Fully 64-bit kernel and userspace environment
Updates normally via apt dist-upgrade from the official Ubuntu repositories
Raspberry Pi userland utilities included (vcgencmd, dtoverlay, etc.)
raspi-config utility included (good for enabling I2C, SPI, etc.)
Uses the official 4.19.y Raspbian linux kernel built with arm64 flags
Firmware updates from the Raspbian image and the RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree repository
3D video hardware acceleration support via vc4-fkms-v3d stack. Videos / games are giving very high and smooth FPS.
Includes kernel headers and the full kernel source tree used to build a kernel with your own custom flags (/usr/src/ directory)
Can build out-of-tree and DKMS modules
Full desktop support available via apt install kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, xfce4, mate-desktop-environment, etc.)
5 GHz WiFi channel support
Working Bluetooth and WiFi
KVM virtualization support
Update script provided to update kernels/firmware/modules