XBian 0.5 – 09/08/2012更新
Changelogs:Reduced ram usage (thanks to Jeff for the tip)
Includes a new version of XBMC (12.0 alpha 5)
Wireless support (RTL8188CUS , big thanks to MrEngman for this!!)
Upgraded the logo (thanks to Chronoz!)
Updated cec (rpi-cecd), supports more remotes/tv’s now. (thanks to Hexagon)
Fixed an issue where xbmc showed a black screen when playing a movie. (thanks to rikardo1979)
下载XBian 0.5 更新挺快的嘛,个人觉得是目前万博网页版登陆页派最好用的媒体中心。。。 更新得很快嘛 不错,我以安装。 3天前才出0.4.2, 更新雪快 又要下新的玩啦 更新的好快 ,家里网速不给力 每次下都要等好长时间,还是等下一个版本吧 更新真快,估计很快就等到0.9了 赞更新,xbmc刚刚加入了rtl8188的无线网卡支持,这边就可以用上了 更的也太快了吧!